Thursday, October 29, 2009

Progress of epZilla

I'm involved in doing a research on a scalable and a fault-tolerant distributed architecture for complex event processing (epZilla) as my final year undergraduate project with three other colleagues. So far it has been all research and no coding, which makes life a bit harder for us coz we are not very good readers and also it makes life even harder in evaluations by the department since we don't have anything other than some research papers and some ideas and concepts in mind which doesn't seem to be very much convincing for the evaluators.

So far we have read several dozens of research papers on many related areas and now about to finalize the architecture. Meanwhile we are about to start some coding even before we finalize the architecture since we gotta have something working before the next evaluation - for demonstration purposes.

I'm posting this here so that I can look back later and find how our project evolved.